An excellent of Life Using the Benefits of the Grip-N-Assist Gait Transfer Mobility Belt

The patented Grip-n-Assist gait exchange belt is the first of its kind, a multi-functional tool that addresses nearly all the troubles associated with caregiver help and the restricted range of motion and ambulation of patients. It brings security, comfort and ease to the elderly, injured or anyone that struggles with basic jobs involving going to the bathroom or getting out of bed, cars or the shower. Our product makes the process of moving and transferring more at ease while encouraging safety and security for all those involved.

For caregivers, it might reduce the danger of injury by rewarding proper posture and constraining strain, all the while improving convenience and efficiency for those involved. No more grabbing onto clothes or pulling muscles in your arms or back... because the Grip-n-Assist relies on the most central and supported part of the body to bear the brunt- your core.

Simply by wearing the Grip-n-Assist running transfer belt securely and comfortably around your waist, weight is leveraged against the part of the body best equipped to handle it. Your patients will have a strong location to grab onto as you help with their portable needs, which will encourage them to be involved in the process to the most of their ability and reduce much of your battle.

For patients, the Grip-n-Assist the actual process gait belts of moving more comfortable, and allows you to generate a routine that makes it easy. Your body will not be pulled or strained so that you can hoist you by your shoulders or arms and you could rest assured that what you hold onto as you leverage unwanted weight will be secure.

Patients with limited self-reliance with the process of moving should wear the belt, so their caretakers can do more of the work. In case you're able to help lift yourself more, your caregiver can wear the Grip-n-Assist. Either way, it may reduce the risk of injury for all involved by lessening the chance of losing grip and falling in addition to supporting the core and back.

The Grip-n-Assist(TM) move belt provides support for doctors, especially to those working in the physical remedy and geriatric industries and for everyday people convalescing the injured or caring for their elderly adored ones. Our gait move belt makes everyday living easier for patients and caregivers alike so people can concentrate on what's truly important; their good health and quality of life!


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